Nigerian Turkish Nile University, Muslim Students Association Of Nigeria.

Since its inception, the NTNU MSSN has engaged in activities geared towards achieving its goal amongst which are: Islamic classes and Islamic lectures.


Adultry & Alcohol

All gratitude and endless thanks are due to Allah The all-encompassing and omnipotent, for His apparent, concealed and subtle favors He showered upon us, and for having all the messengers and apostles. I bear witness that their is no diety worthy of worship except Allah alone without a partner, and i bear witness that Muhammad SAW is His messenger. Gratitude is His for prescribing lawful and forbidding the unlawful due to His devious and obvious justifications. And made it as trials for His servants.
              My respected brothers and sisters in faith! Adultery and alcohol or any sort of intoxicating substance are part of the seventy major sins by going upon the view of Ibn-Abbas, and verdicts of the prevailing scholars. And prophet SAW mentioned them in his different authentic narrations. These can be followed chronologically.
When Allah the all-encompassing created Adam A.S, He also created for him a female(Hauwa R.A), but ALLAH out of His infinite wisdom, did not legalize and allowed him touching her until He later made lawful to him (Adam A.S). This Indeed is a clear guide for good servants of Allah to comprehend that no woman can be lawful to anyone unless that which is legitimate by sharia. It's evident that in most cases Almighty Allah goes direct to forbid things, but upon ZINA Allah said do not go near. He mentioned this in surah Al-isra'i; (And come not near to unlawful sex. Verily, it is a great sin and an evil way "that leads one to Hell unless Allah forgives him"). That is so as to tell you how extent is the gravity of committing Zina. So, He forbids coming near it. The messenger SAW said; There is no any greater sin apart from Shirk (ascribing a partner with Allah) like the semen (sperm) a man drop in the vagina of a woman un-lawful to him. [Book of Al-jami'i Assagier]. And a famous tradition of Rasul SAW mentioned; " A fornicator will not be a pious while fornication"  
  Isolating with or touching unlawful female are part of taking ones self near adultery. Upon taking a vital step on this, the messenger SAW forbids touching them and said " It's better for one to be stabbed with a hot copper metal in his head than for him to touch a woman which is un-lawful to him". So, that was strongly abhorred. And for isolating with them, prophet SAW said; " Do not a man keep in isolation with un-lawful woman unless if there's with her a Mahram (i.e Her father, siblings,uncle or any other relative that can not marry her legitimately)"
The repercussion and consequences in the world & Here-After.
Ultimately, Allah mentioned punishment in this world for those commit ZINA. for a married man or woman commit adultery is stoning to death. But for non married; after following the legitimate processes and testified that was guilty, the person should be lashed with 100 lashes. Allah mentioned this in surah Al-Nur.
(The [unmarried] woman or [unmarried] man found guilty of sexual intercourse -  lash each one of them with a hundred lashes, and do not be taken by pity for them in the religion of Allah, if you should believe in Allah and the Last Day. And let a group of the believers witness their punishment). i.e for the one that never married, but if married ones in his life will be stoned to death. The mentioned punishment in the verse above is easier than for one to test the severe torment in the Here-After,   Unless that is done in this world and make a genuine repentance followed by sincere remorse. But if not and dies as such,  has to test punishment in the Here-After. A hadith from the messenger SAW said; "If Qisas is not passed on them in this world and dies, they would be punished in the Hereafter with strips of Hell-fire". prophet SAW mentioned in a terrifying narration reported by Imam Ahmad. It's of the meaning of the hadith that: in the hell fire is a river that is flowing from the fluid and waste coming out from the vagina of a fornicator. this is to tell you how severe punishment they taste. Respected brothers and sisters! Open a times afflictions, calamities, diseases and other unknown epidemic that befalls on a society are not unconnected to making ZINA the major drop . Prophet SAW said " No any nation that will make fornication order of the day unless Allah afflict them with diseases and epidemic they never knew of it before.  Almighty's protection is what we beseech from ZINA.
My humble brothers and sisters in Islam! Almighty Allah had legalized eating all kinds of lawful food and drinks saying; (O you who have believed, eat from the good things which We have provided for you and be grateful to Allah if it is [indeed] Him that you worship) [2:172]. And deter us from taking anything that can be harmful or toxic to our body both internal and externally. Almighty said; (Those who follow the Messenger, the unlettered prophet, whom they find written in what they have of the Torah and the Gospel, who enjoins upon them what is right and forbids them what is wrong and makes lawful for them the good things and prohibits for them the evil and relieves them of their burden and the shackles which were upon them. So they who have believed in him, honored him, supported him and followed the light which was sent down with him -  it is those who will be the successful.) The underlined point in this verse shows that the triumphant are those who refrain themselves from it's evil desire and keep the commandment of prophet SAW, shunning whatever he deters them from doing or taking that might be harmful to them, be it eatable, drinkable and any other thing.
 Furthermore, Allah the All-compassionate stated in Qur'an; (O you who believe! intoxicants"all kinds of alcoholic drinks" gambling, and AL-ansab, and arrows for seeking luck or decision are an abomination of shaytan, so avoid that in order that you may be successful.) (Satan wants only to excite enmity and hatred between you with intoxicant, and to avert you from the remembrance of Allah and prayer, so will you not desist?) This is a strict question which signifies strong prohibition. So it means all sort of alcoholic drinks and their derivatives are said to be prohibited.
     In the sharia paspective, the word 'Al-khumr' is any substance (either eatable in a solid form, drinkable in liquid form or that can be inhaled in gaseous form) which is liable to intoxicate. Prophet SAW said " Every intoxicant is alcohol and every alcohol is prohibited " . A hadith reported by Imam Ahmad said.Prophet SAW said. " A drunk is like an idol worshiper". whenever one is regarded as an idol worshiper signifies that the consequences in the Hereafter will not be good but rather flimsy. Jaabbir bn Abdullah narrated, prophet SAW said " Three people, their prayers will not be accepted and their good deed will not be taken to heavens. Among them is; a drunk until  he regains his senses" Another authentic narration shows that; whoever takes an alcohol and did not intoxicate, Allah will turn His face from him for 40 days, but if he did intoxicated by it, then Allah will nott accept any good deed from him for 40 days, and if he dies as such is like an idol worshiper. Indeed there are many more frightening authentic Hadiths talking about the detriment and repercussions of taking alcohol. What i always invoke Almighty Allah is that; O our lord and omnipotent safeguard us from following our evil desires, and keep us of the companies of prophet in paradise.
      I said this while seeking Allah's forgiveness for you and me, and rest of the believers from our sins and shortcomings. Ask for Allah's forgiveness He will surely forgive you, He is oft-forgiving and most merciful.


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