I set the ball rolling by praising Allah
the omniscience, exalted and self sufficient master, we gratify Him and beseech
for His forgiveness, and we seek His refuge from the evil which is within
ourselves. whosoever Allah guide non can lead him astray and whosoever is
misguided non can guide him except Allah alone without a partner. May the
peace and blessings be upon the noble prophet
Muhammad SAW his household and those who follows their right track till
the reckoning Day.
Slaves of Allah! certainly sins are
of two types; major and minor sins. The major ones base upon the statement of IMAM
ZHAHABIY; Is that which Allah and His messenger forbid from the Book and traditions
of Rasul, and the immediate generation that came after sahaba. Almighty Allah vindicated
in His glorious book said; "If you avoid the major sins which you are
forbidden We shall expiate from you your small sins, and admit you to a Noble
entrance (in paradise) ". Base upon this Allah promises whosoever shuns away major ones will forgive
him the minor ones and gives him paradise, but in another verse said; "
And those who avoid the greater sins and immoralities, and when they are angry
they forgive". In suraatl Najm said; " Those who avoid great sins
except the small faults, verily your lord is of vast forgiveness". All these verses are not unconnected to the
fact that shunning away major sins leads to having forgiveness from Allah from shortcomings. You have more clarification when you ponder on saying of Rasul
SAW, " Five daily prayers, and Jum'ah to Jum'ah, and fasting to fasting,
expiates the sins that is committed between them, when the major sins are
avoided" i.e unless if a servant shuns away major sins that Allah would forgive
him his shortcomings. The above verses and hadith listed vindicated the magnitude of keeping away the major sins.
Scholars differed in specifying
numbers of major sins, some go-by seven are the major sins, in reference to one
authentic tradition of Rasul SAW that says " Avoid seven destroyers and
listed; Associating a partner with Allah, sorcery, killing any one whose
killing Allah forbidden except for a just cause, and eating from orphans
property, eating usury , running in the Day of the holy war (fleeing from
battle field), and accusing a chaste women who never think of touching their
chastity and are believers". And of their views, these are the only major
sins. But according to Ibn Abbass, great
sins are seventy, and the reason is that; Whoever commits any of the sins of
which specific penalty is to be given to the doer in this world, like; Zina,
killing an innocent soul which Islam forbids, stealing e.t.c, or what was
mentioned in the Book and Sunnah that a doer of particular sin shall receive a
certain punishment in the hereafter, wrath of Allah or the messenger cursed the
one indulge in doing, said to be major sin, and is base upon this you can analise and figure out many major sins people committing on daily basis, and unless
by shunning them away Allah will forgive us our shortcomings. May almighty
Allah deter us from major sins, strengthen our feet on the right path.
I said this
while seeking Allah's forgiveness for you and me from all sins and shortcomings, ask for Allah's forgiveness He'll surely forgive you, He is Oft-forgiving
and most merciful.
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