Nigerian Turkish Nile University, Muslim Students Association Of Nigeria.

Since its inception, the NTNU MSSN has engaged in activities geared towards achieving its goal amongst which are: Islamic classes and Islamic lectures.


In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.

Constitution and By-laws of the Muslim Students’ Society of Nigerian Turkish Nile University

Adopted (Insert Date)

Constitution Summary:
Article 1 – Name and Nature (Establishment)
Article 2-   Motto
Article 3 – Affiliation
Article 4 – Purpose and Vision
Article 5 – Mission Statement and Aims
Article 6 - Membership
Article 7 – Elected Officers
Article 8 – Elections
Article 9 – The Advisory Council
Article 10 – Meetings
Article 11 – Finance
Article 12- Judiciary Procedures
Article 13 – Constitution Adoption, Interpretation, and Enforcement
Article 14 – Constitutional Amendments and Revisions
Article 15 – Dissolution


We, the Muslim students of Nigerian Turkish Nile University, out of our faith and dedication to the service of Islam, do hereby proclaim the establishment of the Muslim Students’ Society of Nigerian Turkish Nile University. READILY AND DEVOTEDLY responding to ALLAH’s call to establish a community enjoying all that is virtuous and forbidding all that is evil.
To this effect, we hereby set forth and enact the following laws governing the Muslim Students Society which shall be binding on each and all of us in totality, until and unless properly amended by the provisions herein.

                                    Article I - Name and Establishment
Section 1: Name
The official name of the organisation, appearing on all documentation, shall be the “Muslim Student Society of Nigerian Turkish Nile University, hereinafter referred to as the “Society”. The official abbreviation of the organisation’s name shall be “MSS-NTNU”.

Section 2: Establishment (Nature)                 
The MSS-NTNU shall be a not for profit, non-discriminatory student based membership organization. As an Islamic institution it will strive to conduct itself in accordance with the Qur’an and the Prophetic Tradition (Sunnah).
                                    Article II- Motto
            The Motto of the Society shall be “LA’ILAHA ILLALLAH MUHAMMADUR-RASUULUL             ALLAH” “There is no deity worthy of worship except Allah and Muhammad        (SAW) is His Messenger”

                                    Article III - Affiliation
The MSS-NTNU will be affiliated to the Muslim Students’ Society of Nigeria (MSSN).

                                    Article IV– Purpose and vision
Section 1: "By (the Token of) Time (through the ages), verily Man is in loss, except such as have Faith, and do righteous deeds, and (join together) in the mutual teaching of Truth, and of Patience and Constancy." -Qur'an: Al-`Asr, Surah 103.

Section 2: The purpose of the Muslim Student Union is to work for the sake of Allah (exalted is He) in accordance to the Qur'an and the example set by the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). The MSS seeks to provide a comfortable space where students develop into confident, spiritual, moral and high-achieving leaders who in turn are a positive influence and example for their surrounding communities.

                                    Article V: Mission Statement and Aims
Section 1: Mission Statement:
The MSS stands for Islam as a complete way of life. By this, we will develop a dynamic, united and welcome community on campus, raise awareness of Islam, and help people become better Muslims.

Section 2: AIMS:
The aims of the Society shall include but not limited to:
1- The primary aim is to please Allah and to obey Him and His Prophet.
2- Encouraging the study of the Glorious Qur’an as a final Revelation and Arabic language as the lingua franca of the Islamic World.
3- Promoting the general welfare of Muslims and safeguard their fundamental rights in any community.
4- To educate campus authorities on how to better serve the needs of the Muslim community.
5- Performing or undertaking any other function that is ancillary or incidental to the aforementioned aims.
6- The (MSS) is an organization devoted to strengthening the Muslim community through service and activism, educating both Muslims
and people of other faiths about the religion of Islam, and facilitating a better environment for students on campus.

                                    Article VI - Membership
            Section 1: Eligibility
Membership in this organization will not be restricted on the basis of race, color, national origin, disability, gender or age. The membership of the MSS-NTNU is open to any Muslim student of NTNU and is interested in becoming a member and who abides by this association's Constitution and follows the regulations contained within it. Upon accepting membership, the new member should also do his/her best to advance the Association's intended purposes and Aims as mentioned in (Article IV & V).

Section 2: Categories
(a) Passive: Every Muslim student of NTNU is a passive member by default. Passive members have no voting rights.
(b) Regular: A passive member becomes regular after registration (includes paying registration dues if applicable), adoption of the MSSNTNU constitution and participates in its activities. Only regular members may vote or hold office.
(c) Alumni: Alumni membership shall be open to any alumnus/alumna of the NTNU. Alumni membership status shall be contingent upon an individual’s acceptance and compliance with the MSS-NTNU. Alumni members shall have no voting rights, nor shall they be eligible to serve in office as an Executive Board member of MSS-NTNU.

Section 3: Removal
Any member who willfully disrupts the MSS from functioning, or causes dissention
(fitna) among MSS members can be removed from the MSS membership.
Membership may also be terminated upon decision of the Executive Committee for any actions which violate the regulations and by-laws set forth by the Executive Committee concerning member conducts.


                                    Article VII – Officers
Section 1: Definition
The Executive Committee shall be the administrative body of the organization and is elected from among the Regular Membership of the organization.

Section 2: Composition
The Executive Committee shall consist of the following offices and their respective officer positions.

F. All officers are required to have basic knowledge on Islam and are responsible for upholding Islamic conduct and refraining from publicly committing major sins in Islam.

G. The Executive Committee can appoint sub-officers to take care of other responsibilities after suggestion by the officer concerned and a majority approval by the Executive Committee.

Section 5: Impeachment
A. If any elected or appointed member has been found to violate any one of the following principles, he/she will be subject to impeachment by the executive committee:

i. Any Islamic Principle or Law that deems them unworthy to serve as a leader and/or representing the MSS-NTNU in a fashion that is uncharacteristic of the General Body and Islamic Principles.
ii. Having missed an excessive number of meetings such that the Executive Board deems them unable to carry out the function of their position.
iii. Excessive lateness at Executive Board Meetings without a legitimate excuse.
iv. Having abused funding privileges.
v. Not fulfilling the duties and responsibilities of their office as outlined in the MSS-NTNU constitution.

The procedure for impeachment is outlined as follows:
i. Every attempt must be made to correct and rectify the existing problem. Impeachment shall be employed only as a last resort.
ii. The details of the process and conditions that the impeached member violated shall remain confidential and shall not be disclosed to anyone outside of the executive committee. This is to uphold and maintain the dignity of the individual as well as that of the MSS-NTNU.
iii. The individual shall be provided an opportunity to defend themselves against the alleged charges. The individual also has the right to resign at any point during this process.
iv. The individual shall not be present during the final decision.
v. Absolute majority of the remaining members must decide to impeach the individual in order for it to be carried out.
vi. A motion to impeach must be proposed by at least three executive board members or ten regular members with good standing, stating reasons for removal.

Section 6: Vacancies/Appointments
a) If a board member resigns or otherwise is no longer on the board, then a replacement will be selected by the President with the advice of the board.
b) Ad-Hoc committee appointments are based on simple appointments by the President, with informal nominations and advice from the Executive Committee and General Body.
c) If there is any substantial dispute with any Ad-Hoc committee appointment, a vote will be put to the appropriate office subject to referendum by the Executive Committee.
d) Vacancy of the President shall be filled by Absolute majority of the Executive Committee.
e) Vacancy of any committee chair shall be filled by appointment by the President, subject to advice by the committee.

                                                Article VII - Functions of Officers
1: President
a) Shall manage and coordinate the affairs of the organization.
b) Be the chief representative and spokesman of the society.
Represent the organization at all functions and meetings outside this organization.
c) Always endeavor to be in touch with the whole life of the Society and coordinate the activities of its various sections.
d) Appoint the chairperson and membership of all standing committees and all other committees.

2: Vice-President
a) Act as an advisor to the President.
b) Preside at the meetings of the Executive Committee and as well as the general membership if the President is absent.
3: General Secretary
a) Keep a record/memo and files of all topics discussed at the meetings.
b) Keep tract of membership: Maintain a list of voting and regular members and     handle incoming new members within and outside the NTNU community.
c) Shall arrange Executive Committee and General Body meetings as necessary.
d) Shall delegate or shall take on the responsibility for producing and archiving meeting minutes for all executive and general meetings.
e) Shall prepare and make available minutes from any previous meeting(s) upon any request by either the Executives or the General body.
f) Shall prepare and present the agenda of all meetings based on minute of the last meeting.
g) Shall maintain a schedule of all activities of MSSNTNU through any means (i.e. fortnightly bulletin and/or calendar) in order to inform the President and Vice President of organizational duties and potential office coordination.
h) Shall take the roll at both the Executive Committee and general meetings.
i) Shall manage the Society's email-account and notify the Executive Committee of any essential e-mails.
j) Shall ensure reminders are sent before meetings to ensure members turnout.

4: Financial Secretary
a) Shall advise the board on good financial strategies
b) Shall help organize and oversee all fundraising events
c) Shall solicit grants and donations when necessary
d) Shall propose alternative funding possibilities or cost cutting strategies.
e) Shall record and document all sponsorships and donations made to MSSNTNU.
f) Shall maintain a working relationship with sponsors and donors

5: Treasurer
a) Preparing, on being elected, the annual budget of the Society for the fiscal year in consultation with the newly elected Executive Committee and resenting the same before the Annual General           Body meeting.
b) Shall, with the sanction of the Executive Committee, administer the finances of the organization and shall have the power to receive and make payments in the name of the organization subject to periodic review by the Executive Office.
c) Shall maintain records of all financial transactions of the Society. He/she shall be responsible for systematic up-keep and writing reimbursements, receipts, banking reconciliation and showing of increase of funds in statements to be made public.
d) Presenting before the Executive committee a tri-semester reports on the status of the Society's financial affairs, including anonymous donations and total donations received by the Society.
e) The tri-semester reports shall be: a budget projection to estimate expenses in the beginning of the semester; a mid-semester analysis to evaluate usage of funds; and an end of the semester comparative analysis of projected versus actual fund utilization.
f) Present a state of accounts to the Executive Board or General Body upon request
g) Notify each member of their financial obligations, including dues and other costs
h) Keep a record of all expenditures and arrange for the reimbursement of anyone who has made a pre-approved purchase for the Society.

6: Public Relations Officer
a) Shall act as the spokesperson for the Society at all times
b) Shall assist all committees with the publicity aspects of their events including but not limited to designing posters, emailing and reserving spaces
c) Supervise and execute all announcements of programming or meetings to the members and larger community.
d) Circulating the Society's publications with the help of the class councilors
e) Preparing flyers and bulletins for the Society and presenting the same before the Executive Committee for their review.
f) Maintaining list of the members, volunteers, and speakers for various functions of the Society
g) Shall establish an advertising timeline for the committee events to be presented at the end of the election year.

7: Events/Social Coordinator
a) Shall plan periodic lectures, securing speakers and venues at least two weeks ahead of the event.
b) Shall coordinate other events including, but not limited to Semester Walimahs, Inter-MSS Visits, BBQ’s/Picnics and athletic events.
c) Shall present a detailed plan of execution a week prior to an event
d) Shall document details of all events that have taken place and submit to the Secretary for general documentation
e) Shall present events overviews to the Executive Committee a week after completion of the event
f) Shall organize Ramadan lectures and provide for Iftar during Ramadan as necessary.

8: Class councilors
a) Serve as the (Liaison) middle-person between the class and the Executive Committee.
b) Convey class-specific messages from the Executive Committee to his or her class.
c) Assist other Executives in reaching the constituency like helping the Secretary in membership drives.
d) Present the opinion(s) of their class members in Executive meetings.
e) Find key ways to mobilize grass-roots support for the Society’s activities.

9- External Affairs Officer
a) Shall work with the MSSNTNU officers to coordinate with outside and campus clubs and organisations that might work with the Society
b) Ensure that MSSNTNU maintains communication and cooperation with the Abuja Municipal Area Council (AMAC) and the Muslim Students' Society of Nigeria (MSSN).
c) Shall track relevant lectures/events and with the help of the General Secretary, Public Relations Officer, communicate these opportunities to the MSSNTNU.
d) Shall be responsible for maintaining fluid communication with the Student Union Government (SUG) of NTNU, other NTNU Student Clubs & Organizations to achieve integration into the institutional framework of the university and maintain event collaboration between MSSNTNU and other organizations.

10: Webmaster
        1. Shall maintain and update the contents of the MSS NTNU website including the calendar and events page, coordinating with the Office of Events and Publicity as necessary.
        2. Shall redesign and update the graphics and layout of the website as necessary.
        3. Content changes made by the Webmaster are subject to approval by the Executive.

11: Musalla Officer
a) Shall plan and oversee maintenance of the Musalla (Prayer room). This includes short-term beautification efforts and cleanliness of the areas as well as long-term scouting for appropriate space: office space or other structural extensions to the Musalla space as necessary.
b) Shall arrange Musalla furnishings, layout, and message posting
c) Shall be responsible for updating the Musalla prayer times and informing the Imam and Muazzem of any changes.
d) Shall be responsible for enforcing Executive Committee Policies regarding the use of the Musalla
e) Shall be responsible for the schedule of events in the Musalla and shall ensure that no schedule conflicts occur.
f) Shall help plan and oversee fast-breaking in the Musalla during Ramadan and as necessary.

12: Alumni Relations Officer
a) Shall maintain and expand the pool of active alumni who are interested in networking, reunion and fundraising initiatives of the Society.
b) Shall work with the NTNU Alumni Association and appropriate NTNU offices to plan events with the MSSNTNU Alumni Association.
c) Shall assist in the planning of alumni activities and fundraising events in coordination with the Office of Events and Publicity.


13: Education/Da'wah coordinator
(a) Shall reinvent the “Da’wah Table” periodically if necessary in order to maintain public attention and interest.
b) Shall strive to create innovative Islam awareness programs including but not limited to (Islamic Awareness Day, Islamic Awareness Week) at public venues or particular dormitories, Seminars, Conferences, and Workshops.
(c) Arrange Organize external and internal education activities for the campus community and the general membership.
(d) Oversee the educational literature of use by the MSS.
(f) Organise Halaqas, Qiyams, Fasting, and other spiritual activities.
(g) Organise Musalla lecture series and study circles for both genders in coordination with the Musalla officer.
(h) Shall plan content for lectures and other educational events to be approved by the Executive Committee.
(i) Shall coordinate with the General Secretary and the Lecture/Event Coordinator in order to invite prominent Muslims to? lead halaqas ? (Is okay.)

                                    Article VII - Elections & Appointment of Officers
Section 1: The Transition Meeting
a) The transitions meeting shall occur five (5) weeks to the end of the first Semester.
b) The meeting time and place shall be announced to the general membership at least two weeks ahead of time.

Section 2: Shura council
a) The Shura council shall be the elections governing body.
b) Final appointment of officers shall be by the Shura.
c) The Shura shall have the power to set up rules and regulations for the purpose of ensuring free and fair appointment of officers.
d) Shura members are ineligible to hold office.

Section 3: Shura composition
a) The Shura shall consist of eleven (11) outgoing Executive Committee members.
b) The Shura shall be chaired by the outgoing President.
c) The Shura shall consist of five nominees from both genders to be elected by the general membership.

Section 4: Election
a) Only members satisfying requirements of regular membership under Article IV for at least four weeks prior to the election are eligible to vote.
b) The Shura shall be elected three weeks to the end of the semester by a secret-ballot vote.
c) Two (2) observers from each class of both genders shall witness the votes counting.
d) Proxy and absentee votes are not allowed.

Section 5: Procedure
a) A week after the shura is formed; nominations and critiques of candidates will be received by the Shura council for two days.
b) The Shura shall sit during these two days and shall have the power to summon and interview any candidate or any member of the society in order to determine the eligibility or otherwise of any of the candidates for appointment.
c) The result shall be announced on the third day.

Section 6: Campaigning
a) No candidate may campaign on his or her own behalf, nor may anyone else campaign on the candidate’s behalf.
b) Anyone who is determined to have violated sub-section a) of this section will be disqualified from the elections.

Section 7: Term
Elected Officers will serve two semesters. The term starts and ends on the first Saturday of second semester.? (Not clear to me)
Section 8: Diversity of Board
The new cabinet must have at least two members of both genders from each class.

                                    Article Advisory Councils: (Strongly recommended.
Section 1: Purpose
The advisors serve as a mechanism to ensure the transfer of knowledge in the MSS NTNU. Board members can collectively or individually seek out the advice from the advisors on any issue.
Section 2: Number of Members
The advisory council will consist of at most ten people.
Section 3: Selection of Advisors
The President and Vice President of the MSU are automatically added to the advisory council at the end of their terms, unless they are re-elected. If one or both of these officers are re-elected, the outgoing MSS NTNU board may select replacements from amongst the Outgoing officers. Current MSS NTNU board members may not be on the council.
Section 5: Appointment Procedure
Advisors require a unanimous vote of the current MSS NTNU board and a majority vote of the current advisory council to be appointed.
Section 6: Term
Advisors selected from the outgoing MSU board serve a three year term. Appointed advisors serve a one year term. The terms start on the first day of summer break.
Section 7: Extension
At the end of the term, an advisor’s term can be extended for another year if the outgoing board agrees that the advisor’s presences will continue to be beneficial to the MSS NTNU. The term of the advisor can be extended every year to include the following year.

                                    Article VIII - Meetings
SECTION 1: General Body Meetings
a) The Society shall have its first General body meeting no later than the first month of every semester.
b) The date and place of the meeting will be decided by the Executive Committee and will be announced at least one week in advance.
c) Subsequent meetings shall hold biweekly ? after/from? the first meeting. (Every two weeks to avoid confusion “biweekly has two meaning”)
d) A quorum shall constitute the presence of at least two-fifths (2/5) of its voting members.
e) A simple majority of the quorum will be required for adoption of a resolution. To override an Executive Committee action, a majority of two-thirds (2/3) of those voting will be considered affirmative.

SECTION 2: Executive Committee Meetings
a) The Executive Committee shall meet at a time determined by the Executive Officers and communicated by the Executive Secretary at least a week in advance.

b) The Executive Committee may also be called into session at any time by the President or any three (3) members of the Executive Committee.
c) A quorum shall constitute of no less than fifty (50) percent of its voting members, one of whom must be the President or Vice-President. Officers may vote in absentia provided that they submit a signed confirmation of their vote.
d) Executive meetings will be scheduled at least once in (every) two weeks. These meetings will be open to all MSS members.
e) The Executives can also decide to schedule other meeting times; attendance at these meetings is at the discretion of the Executive Committee and may be closed (to the outside).
Section 3: Emergency Meetings
Emergency meetings shall be called by the General Secretary, subject to the concurrence of the President, at any time with at least twenty-four hours notice (preferably).
SECTION 4: Rules of Order
a) The President is the chairman of the general meeting and shall recognize a member before the member provides input.
b) The Executive Committee shall agree on an agenda for the General Assembly up to a week in advance of the meeting and the President will take reasonable additions at the time of the meeting, providing that time permits.

SECTION 5: Voting
a) Each regular member shall have one vote, except the President who shall have votes totaling 1/5 the membership attendance or three votes, whichever is more.
b) Only regular members who are present at the time of a vote may vote.
c) In case of a tie, the President may ask for further discussion and a second vote, in which the President receives only one vote. If the second round of voting ends in a tie, the President may make an executive decision about the case.
d) A simple majority vote of the regular members present and voting shall determine the vote on any matter except revisions or amendments to the constitution and removal of officers.

                                    Article IX - Financial Policies
Section 1: Acceptance of Contributions
a) MSSNTNU may accept any contribution in any form, from any source consistent with the purposes of the Society and the principles of Islam.
b) A record shall be created documenting all contributions made to the Society including their respective donors or contributors. This record of contributions shall be maintained by the Treasurer.
Section 2: Bank Account

a) MSSNTNU shall maintain a corporate account. This account will be created and maintained for the expenses of the Society.
b) MSSNTNU might also maintain an imprest account //?? Petty Cash for smoother operations
Section 3: Withdraw of Funds
All checks drafted on the MSSNTNU expense account shall require three signatures: that of the President, the Treasurer and the General Secretary.
Section 4: Authorization of Expenditures
All expenditures shall require the prior approval of the MSSNTNU executive committee. The only exception shall be expenditures of N5, 000 or less, solely at the discretion of the President of the Society.
Section 5: Activity Funding Requirement
a) At no time shall MSSNTNU engage in activity that would result in the Society accruing debits greater than the current expense account balance.
b) All activities executed by MSSNTNU shall cost no more than funds then currently available in the MSSNTNU expense account.
c) Events planned and organized in advance shall be cancelled if at the time of execution they do not clear the above stated requirement for available funds.
Section 6: Accounts Payable
All accounts payable shall be paid within two (2) weeks of being incurred by MSSNTNU.
Section 7: Records and Auditing
a) MSSNTNU shall create and maintain a record of all financial activity at the end of each semester.
b) All financial activity from the Second semester shall be included in the First semester records.
c) Additionally, MSSNTNU shall create a yearly record of all financial activity.

                                    Article X - Constitutional Amendments
Section 1: Proposal
a) A written proposal for an amendment or revision to the constitution must be made by either:
i. At least ten (10) regular members in good standing.
ii. At least one-third (1/3) of the Executive Committee members.
b) Any proposed amendment must receive the unanimous approval of the board to be brought to the MSS’s regular membership for a vote
c) The proposal for the amendment or revision must be circulated among all the regular members two weeks prior to the voting date.

Section 2: Requirements
a) Any amendment of the constitution must not violate:

i. Any laws in Islam as derived from the Qur'an or authentic sayings of Muhammad (PBUH).
ii. Any rules or regulations of NTNU.
Section 3: Meeting
a) After due deliberation, the Executive Board will present its recommendation to a general body meeting called for this purpose.
b) The announcement for a meeting for a constitutional change must take place at least one week prior to the meeting.
Section 4: Voting
a) Only active members may vote on amendments.
b) Proxy and absentee votes are not allowed.
c) The quorum for this meeting shall be at least fifty-percent (50%) of the regular members in the Society in good standing.

Section 5: Final Approval
a) The amendment or revision must be approved by two-thirds majority vote of the regular members present and voting at the general votes meeting.
b) The amendments will become effective immediately upon adoption and adjournment of the general body in which it is passed
c) The amended and ratified constitution immediately supersedes the previous constitution.

Article XI - Constitution: Adoption, Interpretation, and Enforcement
Section 1: Adoption
a) For this constitution to be adopted, the current MSS board must unanimously approve it.
b) The general body meeting in which this will be discussed must be announced on the general email list at least two weeks ahead of time.
c) The regular membership must approve the constitution with a majority vote including abstentions.

Section 2: Interpretation
Any ambiguities in this constitution, or any items that are open to interpretation, will be resolved by a unanimous vote of the board.
Section 3: Enforcement
It is the responsibility of the board to enforce the constitution.
Section 4: Adoption of a New Constitution

a) The procedure to adopt a new constitution is identical to the amendment procedure, as noted in Article X, except in the following areas:
i. The quorum for the meeting is two-thirds of the regular membership of the Society.
ii. To adopt a new constitution, it must be approved by four-fifths majority vote of the regular members present and voting at the general votes meeting.

- The constitution shall last at least a year before any review/amendments (add how to handle any urge to amend as in keep it somewhere)
- Executive meetings shall be on Thursdays/Fridays @ 16:15pm prompt ( weekly every two weeks prior to general meetings in my opinion)-
- General meetings shall be every two weeks on Saturday (@ 10:00am/08:30pm prompt) - !!!!!! Need to change this time!!!!!!! (08:30pm prompt in my opinion, to avoid lectures that may be fixed on Saturday.)


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