All praise is indeed due to Allah the Lord of the world and all it encompases. We extol Him gratify Him, and seek for His forgiveness. O our lord! if our sins were to rich the level of the heavens, your forgiveness upon us is surely rich and wide. May the peace and blesssings of Allah be upon His beloved messenger, his house-hold and those keep in their right ttrack till the Day of Qiyaamah.My beloved brothers in islam! Allmighty Allah out of His infinite favour,Has purified His messenger from every sort of bad habit to the extent that even before the adventure of islam has won the name AL'AMIN (Trust worthy) from the noble and common men of Makkah. The attainment of this peack of (trustworthiness) and other aplauded good values gaves him a great chance to convince his kinsmen and even beyond as a messenger sent by Allah.
Quran also mentions this attribute of Prophet (SAW) in Aayah 4 of Surah Qalam:
[Ya Rasul Allah] truly you have a strong character. Prophet (SAW) was the teacher of good conduct and he supplicated thus: Ya Allah, make me the follower of good morals as no one can guide to the path of good morals except You, and keep me away from bad morals, and no one, except You, can save me from them.
He (prophet) SAW also discourages lying and enjoined us to always embarass truth in all our life endeavour. A Hadith reported by BUKHARI & MUSLIM, Ibn masoud arrated and said; " The Messenger of Allah (SAW) said; " Verily, the truth guides to the benefaction, and benefaction guides to the paradise. And the man is still telling true till he is written at Allah from the truth people. And the lying guides to the dissoluteness and the dissoluteness guides to the Fire. And the man is still telling lie, till he is written at Allah a liar. People nowadays taken telling lies as a perfection and way to maneuver people. The messenger SAW has also guaranteed a house in the middle of jannah for the one who leaves telling lies even if he jokes. Many more hadiths are intensifying this, and one of the frightening is the following;

Abdullah Ibn Amr Ibn As (RA) narrated: Whoever possess these four characteristics, that person is a perfect munafik (hypocrite): If the person possesses one of these, then he would be carrying a characteristic of hypocrites until he abandons that character. These are: He betrays when trusted, he lies when talks, he does not keep when promises, he exaggerates when argues or disputes, falsifies or hides the truth in a lawsuit process. (Sahiheyn)
One of the companions of Allah's Messenger (SAW) Safwan Ibnu Suleym narrated: We asked the Rasulullah "Ya Rasulallah! Would a mumin be coward? Muhammad (pbuh) replied: Yes. Then we asked: What about being stingy? He replied YES. When asked: Would a mumin be liar? He responded ABSOLUTELY NO! (Muwata 2, 290)
Adherence to ethics, code of morality and good conduct constitutes to be an important, integral and major part of Islamic teachings. Prophet (SAW) said that he was sent to give perfection to the attributes of ethics, morality and good human conduct. [Muwatta, Musnad Ahmad] Languages are poor to translate the word Khulq, or Akhlaaq. It means endearing etiquettes, generosity, gentility, good manners, hospitality, humility, , nobility, winning conduct and behavior.
There is no doubt that Prophet (SAW)s life was , the best example of good morals as mentioned in Aayah 159 of Surah Al-Imran:
By an act of mercy from Allah, you [The Messenger of Allah] were gentle in your dealings with them [unbelievers]
Before embracing Islam, Abu Dharr al-Ghifari sent his brother Unays to Makkah to find out about Prophet (SAW). On his return Unays reported that Prophet (SAW) called people to the noble qualities. [Sahih Muslim]
It was the custom of Quraysh to climb to the mountaintop and call their fellow tribesmen to warn if there was an impending danger. When Allah (SWT) commissioned him for prophet hood, he (SAW) climbed mount al-Safa, called the people of Makkah and said: O People of Quraysh, tell me if I were to tell you that I see a cavalry on the other side of the mountain, would you believe me? They all answered, Indeed, for we trust you, and we have never known you to tell a lie. [Sahih Bukhari, Kitab-ut-Tafsir].
Sahih Bukhari records the dialogue between Abu Sufyan, the Quraysh representative and Heraclius, the emperor of Rome. Though a non-Muslim at that time, Abu Sufyan could not help but attest to the nobility, honesty, integrity, generosity and truthfulness of Prophet (SAW). Truth has a great power and force.
When persecution of Muslims crossed limits in Makkah, Prophet (SAW) advised Muslims to migrate to Abyssinia (The land of Habesh), which was ruled by a just king called Necashee. Quraysh sent two ambassadors to Necashee with precious gifts requesting him to extradite the Muslims to Makkah. Jafar ibn Abu Talib rose to refute the accusations of the ambassadors and said: O King! We were in a state of ignorance and immorality, worshipping idols, eating dead meat, and committing all sorts of sins. We honored no relative and assisted no neighbor. The strong among us exploited the weak. Then Allah sent us a prophet, one of our own people, whose lineage, truthfulness, loyalty and purity were well known to us. He called us to worship Allah alone and to reject all the stones and idols which we and our ancestors used to worship. He commanded us always to speak the truth, to remain true to trust and promise, to assist the relative, to be good neighbors, to abstain from blood and things forbidden, and to avoid fornication (zina), perjury (lying when asked to witness). He commanded us not to rob the wealth of the orphan or to falsely accuse the chastity of women. [Musnad Ahmad 1: 202]
The eloquent statement of Jafar ibn Abu Talib (RA) about the facts moved the kings heart and, he realized the truth. He decided in favour of the Muslims and did not extradite them as Quraysh had pleaded.
Islams emphasis on nobility, ethics and morality can impress any open minded person who has an objective and unbiased approach. Prophet (SAW) once said that good moral conduct is a virtue.
Teaching of morals in Islam has a dual purpose. On one hand it exhorts to practice virtues, on the other it commands to give up the vices. There is a long list of vices, and one of them is to lie or utter falsehood. Imam Navavi (RehmA) has defined lie as a report contrary to facts. Either the report may be given deliberately or out of ignorance. If it is deliberate and intentional than it is a bigger sin.
Lying is the worst vice. It may be by tongue or by action or both and in all cases it is highly condemned. Lying weakens the Iman (faith) and exhibits the inner hollowness. Lying is against the teachings of all prophets. Whoever lies, his heart is dulled. Lying renders the heart incapable to receive guidance. Aayah 3 of Surah Al-zumar says:
Allah does not guide any ungrateful liar
Prophet (SAW) said. Lying leads you to sin and sin takes you to Hell. Persistence in lying is recorded in the history sheet to be used as a witness against the liar on the Day of Judgment.
Lying has many faces in our society and new ones are being invented. The one which is more common these days is to create a big story on a mere whim or suspicion. It is not only belief in something which is untrue but passing it on to others without doing an objective inquiry or investigation. At times a minor thing is blown out of proportion and a mountain is made out of a mole for character assassination of someone who is disliked. Allah (SWT) says in Aayah 6 of Surah Al-Hujurat:
Believers, if a troublemaker brings you a news, check it first, in case you wrong others unwittingly and later regret what you have done.
Prophet (SAW) commanded us to avoid suspicion and mistrust, because it is a major lie. (Bukhari) The Holy Quran says in this context in Aayah 12 of Surah Al-Hujurat:
Believers, avoid making too many assumptions some assumptions are sinful and do not spy on one another or speak ill of the people behind their backs: would any of you like to eat the flesh of your dead brother? No, you would hate it. So be mindful of Allah: Allah is ever relenting, most merciful.
Prophet (SAW) also said: Shun lie and adopt truth, because truth gives contentment and peace, while lying creates suspicion [mistrust]. (Tirmidhi Kitabuzzuhd)
